




export LANG=C
cd /tmp
echo "-------------------------------" >${tmpfile}
stat ${tmpfile} |grep Access
sleep 5
cat ${tmpfile}
stat ${tmpfile} |grep Access
Access: (0600/-rw-------)  Uid: ( 1000/lujun9972)   Gid: ( 1000/lujun9972)
Access: 2019-01-15 13:08:34.519887362 +0800
Access: (0600/-rw-------)  Uid: ( 1000/lujun9972)   Gid: ( 1000/lujun9972)
Access: 2019-01-15 13:08:34.519887362 +0800


经过一番探查,最终从 Criticism of atime 中发现了原因。

根据 Criticism of atime 的说法,读取文件要修改atime本身是一件很不合理的事情,因为要修改文件的atime就意味着要对磁盘进行写操作。 首先,在只读文件系统上你根本不可能修改文件的atime,更重要的是这增加了磁盘IO数量.


针对这个问题,Linux kernel2.6.20开始为mount引入了一个 relatime 选项,并从 2.6.30 开始这一选项默认是开启的。

当开启了 relatime 选项后,只有当 atime<mtimeatime<ctime 时,才会去更新 atime. 通过这种方式,一方面可以大幅度减少atime引起的磁盘写操作,另一方面又保证了备份软件不受到影响,可谓非常精妙了。

下面这段关于relatime的说明取自 man mount

       Update inode access times relative to modify or  change  time.
       Access  time  is  only updated if the previous access time was
       earlier than the current modify or change time.   (Similar  to
       noatime,  but it doesn't break mutt or other applications that
       need to know if a file has been read since the  last  time  it
       was modified.)

       Since  Linux  2.6.30, the kernel defaults to the behavior pro‐
       vided by this option (unless noatime was specified),  and  the
       strictatime  option  is  required to obtain traditional seman‐
       tics.  In addition, since Linux 2.6.30, the file's last access
       time is always updated if it is more than 1 day old.

另外,Linux kernel4.0开始引入了一个新选项 lazytime. 它可以让更新atime的操作缓存在内存中,然后当该文件有非时间相关的IO要写入时以其更新到磁盘中。 同时它也能设置超过多长时间后强制更新atime. 通过这种方式, lazytime 能做到在不影响性能的情况下保持POSIX兼容性。